Our Phibï




Our new incorporation appeared, like a glittering Apollo god, suddenly in our life. Born from his epithet Phoibos, the brilliant, in ancient Greek and its Latinized versions Phoebus / Phoebe emerged PHIBI.


The truth is somewhat less poetic. Phibi did appear suddenly one day, rather for having assumedly (been) flown like Apollo rocket over a garden fence. From there, in order to flee from the vile humans, he entered a very narrow deep ditch, from which only his lungs, calling for help, and a piece of rolled-up mesh were able to free him - to disappear again into quite high hedges ...



14 days (translated in 40 hours) later he could finally be rescued. Scared, hungry, dirty and full of fleas, he still had to go through emergencies (logically it was Sunday and night). Where the vet on call, pulling him out of the mini-cage-trap and casting a quick glance under his tail, classified him as a she. After fumigating her with Frontline and wrapping her for 20 minutes like a pharaoh in a soaker, she set out into exile in a room, thus declaring our small apartment definitely in state of exception, invalidating along with Leo completely its normal use.


After being invisible for almost the entire first day, she decided the second morning to throw herself at my neck and enjoy the comforts of a home. And now, more closely, it soon became apparent that her bi-colored noble parts have a curious marking that may misslead ... So we had to move from the moon (Phoebe) to the sun (Phoebus) and put the the evidence - sorry, the punctuation - on the Ï, because our Phibi is definitively a he.


And I have a feeling that he'll honor his name, not only because he's luminous (of fur and being), but also the bringer of light and healer of wounds, after a tragic year with the loss of Lorenza, Miga and India.



Welcome PHIBÏ.





Update January 2018


7 months with Phibï ... 7 months that have revolutionized our life ... and our house.


Phibï has turned out to be an adventurous earthquake, which doesn' t stop. He opens cupboards and drawers and has destroyed in little more than half a year more than all my cats together in 30 years ... but has also conquered our hearts and takes great with our special (needs) cat, Leo, who's life got greatly enriched cat-cat interaction is irreplaceable).


Being, indeed, a "bringer of light" - faithful to its duality ... we now live more "light", with only the essential within his sight and reach and enjoy his light, joy and love.


To give you a slight idea, here's  a small sample of some of Phibï's pranks.

